
The Parish Council meets every month, usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 7:30pm in Champney Hall, Stanwell Road Horton SL3 9PA. Meeting dates are always published well in advance here and on notice boards . The latter being situated on Stanwell Road outside Champney Hall and at the bottom of Coppermill Road opposite Old Mill Place. Members of the public are most welcome to attend and are provided with the opportunities detailed below, to address the Council. Meetings commence at 7.30pm.

Annual Meetings

In addition to normal council meetings which are called by the Clerk, there is also an Annual Parish Meeting which is called by the Chairman and takes place in April or May. This meeting allows the Chairman to present to the parish residents his/her report on council business for the year & invites representatives from other bodies to address the residents on their own activities. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council takes place in May and in an election year is the first meeting of the new council. All members sign the declaration of acceptance which is followed by the election of the chair, vice-chair, responsible financial officer, internal auditor, committee members and representatives who will sit on outside bodies. 

21 Jan 25




18 Feb 25



18 Mar 25


8 Apr 25


20 May 25


17 Jun 25


15 Jul 25


19 Aug 25


16 Sep 25


21 Oct 25


18 Nov 25


16 Dec 25


(i) Agenda item - Questions from the Public - included on all agendas

A member of the general public may under this agenda item raise in person, any matter, ask a question and/or address the Council on a specific subject/s. In all cases public comments and Council responses must be made through the Chairman of the meeting who has the authority to place a time restriction on proceedings.

Members of the general public unable to attend may submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing or by emailing the Clerk to the Council providing, these are received by noon on of the day preceding a published meeting. Depending to the matter raised the Clerk will respond, if appropriate, within 7 days of the meeting date.

(ii) Planning Applications

Applicants and/or Members of the general public will be granted the opportunity to address the meeting on planning applications published on the meeting agenda, without the legal requirement to suspend and re-convene the meeting

The Applicant: 2 minutes.
Objectors and/or supporters: a collective time two minute