The Freedom of Information Act (Model Publication Scheme 2008) requires councils to maintain an inventory of all the information that it holds and make this information available through its website.
Horton Parish Council Standing Orders
Code of Conduct
Privacy Policy
Communications Policy
Sickness Absence Policy
Annual leave Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Expenses Policy
Grievance Policy
Disciplinary Policy
Data Protection Policy
Financial Regulations
Grant Awarding Policy
Supplier Questionnaire
Scheme of Delegation
Meeting Rules and Public Participation at Meetings
Freedom of Information
Complaints Policy
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment (Play equipment) 2021 01
Horton & Wraysbury Neighbourhood Plan (approved January 2020) Useful flood information prepared for Wraysbury Parish Council, shared with their permission for historical information and photos from the village RBWM information and services info by location (schools, waste collection etc) for information about the village church and services RBWM proposed tree planting for information about the Local Authority (including reporting bins, flytipping and other issues, and COVID19 updates, and other local info) RBWM planned tree works