Contact Us

You can contact the council via the Parish Clerk, Jayne Kennedy, using the following details:
Post: Horton Parish Council, Champney Hall, Stanwell Road, Horton, Berkshire, SL3 9PA

 Please note that the Parish Office operates on flexible and limited hours - personal callers please ring in advance.

All communications will be actioned as soon as practicable.

Landline: not available,
Mobile: 07957 588277

Champney Hall Bookings

You can contact Champney Hall  (for booking enquiries) via Sam Beldom on 07917 684040. 

For the history of Champney hall please visit

We ask that hirers read the following documents before the hire commences.  They will be asked to sign to say they have read them all

Fire Instructions, Emergency Plan. Fire Safety Policy, Hall Plan, Hire terms,

  Contact details (how to book), Working Alone Policy

We also have a Health & Safety Policy and a Risk Assessment which can be viewed by clicking on the link

Please send us a message below.