
Published: 07 January 2024

- Wraysbury & Horton Voluntary Care 07808 654321
- RBWM Emergency number during office hours: 01628 683804.
- RBWM Out of hours emergency number: 01753 853517.
- Email enquiries: flooding.enquiries@rbwm.gov.uk
- Threat to life - call 999.
- Flooding to or from the highway 01628 683800 / 01753 853517
- Sewers and foul water -  Thames Water - 0800 316 9800.
- Main river watercourse, call the Environment Agency - 0345 988 1188.
- Non-urgent enquiries but flood related: flooding.enquiries@rbwm.gov.uk


The parish office's number is 07957 588 277 but mobile phone reception is poor so this is not suitable in an emergency